patent pending
Train, track & test your vertical jump
Easy to set-up, simple to use
Light, portable & durable
For young kids to elite athletes
Accurate & scalable (4'8" to 12')
Targets automatically reset
Less expensive, more features
Incredibly FUN! Ring the bell!​
“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates."
Pearson's Law
How Does Vert Trainer Compare to Similar Products?
We highly recommend doing your own research on the Vertical Jump Training and Testing products on the market today and compare them to the Vert Trainer. Some of the things you may want to consider are:
Ease of Use
​We are confident you will come to the same conclusion our customers have. The Vert Trainer is the best product for training, tracking & testing your vertical jump AND costs less than any similar product. The choice is clear!
Get your Vert Trainer today!
How Do I Jump Higher?
The single most important exercise to jump higher is max jumps! And, to get the most benefit from doing max jumps, you need to have a target you're trying to touch and an accurate way to measure and track your progress. However, most vertical jump testing devices are very expensive ($400-$1,200), heavy, inaccurate, difficult to use, or do not have a target.
The Dunk Camp has created a new product (patent pending) called "Vert Trainer" to solve all of these problems. We are jumping out of the gym with excitement! Pun intended!
The Vert Trainer is the ultimate vertical jump training and testing tool, offering all the functionality you need at a fraction of the price. Unlike other bulky and heavy products, the Vert Trainer is light and portable, allowing you to use it at home, take it to the gym, the park, or anywhere you want to work on your bounce.
It's fast and simple to set-up (3 minutes or less) and even easier to use! Athletes, young and old, have a blast using the Vert Trainer to train, track and test their vertical jump. The Vert Trainer is the best vertical jump training and testing tool for basketball players, dunkers, volleyball players, football players, track & field athletes, or anyone who wants to jump higher.​